Airflow Measurement for Indoor Air Quality
Precise control of air flow rates is essential for the successful operation of today’s high performance buildings. Accurate measurement and control of outside air flow introduced for the dilution of indoor contaminants requires precise monitoring and control of outside airflow rates into the building. Proper pressurization is essential to limit moisture development within the building envelope.
Established in 1984, Ebtron thermal dispersion airflow measurement products provide the accuracy, repeatability and reliability necessary to ensure that these objectives are satisfied and maintained. As the Baltimore & Washington D.C. factory authorized representative for Ebtron products and services, Advanced Thermal Solution can assist you in design, selection and implementation of Ebtron products.
Ebtron thermal dispersion airflow measuring devices provide the accuracy, measurement repeatability and reliability required for the direct measurement of outside air intake flow rates.
Advantage Product Line
ETRON’s Gold Series transmitters with advanced design features and the broadest range of application sizes permit the most flexible sensor probe placement in the industry. Whether you’re measuring outside airflow for ASHRAE Standard 62.1 compliance, tracking supply and return airflow rates or controlling pressurization, EBTRON’s Gold Series high performance thermal dispersion airflow measurement systems provide you with the most reliable, accurate and repeatable HVAC measurement devices on the market.
EBTRON Gold systems are factory calibrated to NIST-traceable standards and do not require additional transmitters or transducers to interface to your host Building Automation System. Lower your startup and maintenance costs, reduce energy consumption and improve control of your HVAC system.
Fan Array
The GTx108-F is EBTRON’s solution for accurate and repeatable airflow measurement in fan arrays. One to eight fans are supported. Airflow, temperature and/ or airflow alarming are available on all models. Individual fan airflow rates and fan alarming are available with combination analog output/network models. Does not affect fan performance of sensitive plenum fans.
Thermal Dispersion Technology
Supports up to 8 Fans
NIST-traceable Calibration
%-of-reading Accuracy
Individual Fan Airflow Alarms
Temperature Output Capability
Combination Analog/Network Models
Face, Forward and Flare Mounting
Remote Transmitter with LCD Display
3-year Warranty
Air Flow Measuring Dampers & High Performance Dampers
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TAMCO® and EBTRON® are known for unsurpassed quality and reliability. This partnership joins the two premier manufacturers and brings together their respective fields of expertise to create a single, premium package that is easy to specify, purchase and install.
This TAMCO/EBTRON solution combines a premium airflow measuring station with a quality air-foil damper in a laboratory-tested assembly that takes the guesswork out of airflow measurement. The unique design reduces turbulence and pressure losses associated with typical sheet metal, sleeved construction. The AIR-IQ package is ideal for:
Direct measurement of outside airflow rates.
Return airflow measurement on floor-to-floor systems for building pressurization.
Return airflow measurement, directly on an air handler.
AHU return & bypass flow measurement